Friday, September 7, 2012

Dance, Dance, Dance and a bit of poison ivy

Today was Violet's first day of dance class!  We were all so excited and she did so well.  I think her new studio is a perfect fit.  Ms. Susie and and Ms. Michelle were excellent teachers and it was a perfect class size of about 10 girls.

Headed to dance class!

Leaving dance class


After Violet's dance class we headed over to Chuck E Cheese for Keith's last hurrah before he has to go back to work at his new job on Monday.  I have enjoyed his 3 week vacation while between jobs very much.  If not for it he wouldn't have been able to go to World's of Fun with us on Aug 15th or been able to see Violet's first dance class.  We are also excited for his new job at CEVA and hopes he likes it there.

In other news we were happy to learn this itchy rash Keith and I have is just poison ivy.  It was been bothering us for about a week. First, I was scared we some how got bed bugs, then I thought maybe it was scabies from the cheap motel we stayed at in Columbia.  Luckily it is not. We had our Dr. friend look at it and he actually laughed at the fact I thought it was possibly scabies.  He said it's definitely not scabies and looks just like poison ivy.  Good to know I was freaking out of stupid poison ivy.  I blame Keith for working in so many yards lately.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1st day of preschool!

1st photo of the day
Violet was very excited for her first day of preschool.  When it was time to head out the door she had her backpack, teddy bear (to be left in the car) and her dance bag.  I told Violet she doesn't need to take her dance bag to preschool.  She simply said "Okay, but we are still going to dance there right?"  I told her she might get to dance at preschool but they might not dance today.  She seemed to enjoy preschool very much and is excited to go back on Thursday.  I think she did learn a new way to get out of eating her dinner.....

I think this is the first time she's ever fallen asleep at the dinner table.  I had to move her to the couch for fear of her waking up on the floor.

Last photo of the day
6:02 pm

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